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Per 1 scallop - Calories: 35kcal | Fat: 1.75g | Carbs: 1.68g | Protein: 2.90g
Other sizes:
1 oz of cooked - 62kcal, 1 cup of raw, yield cooked - 291kcal, 1 serving - 184kcal, more...
Baked or Broiled Scallops
Per 1 scallop - Calories: 17kcal | Fat: 0.50g | Carbs: 0.38g | Protein: 2.63g
Other sizes:
1 oz of - 37kcal, 1 serving - 112kcal, 1 cup of - 249kcal, more...
Fried Battered Scallops
Per 1 scallop - Calories: 37kcal | Fat: 1.83g | Carbs: 2.08g | Protein: 2.83g
Other sizes:
1 oz of - 65kcal, 1 cup of - 308kcal, 1 serving - 195kcal, more...
Steamed or Boiled Scallops
Per 100 g - Calories: 106kcal | Fat: 3.09g | Carbs: 2.33g | Protein: 16.18g
Other sizes:
1 cup of raw, yield cooked - 127kcal, 1 oz of - 30kcal, 1 scallop - 14kcal, more...
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