Omaha Steaks

These products are archived as they are outdated or no longer available. They are listed here for historical purposes.
Calorie and Nutrition information for archived products from Omaha Steaks.

Archived products

Individual Quiche Lorraine
1 quiche
Chipotle Sweet Potato Fries
3 oz
Smokey Applewood Salmon Fillets
1 fillet
Bull Wings
1 serving
Chicken Breast with Rib Meat Italian Style
1 serving
Beef Sirloin Stew
1 cup
Whole Green Beans
1/2 tray
Mediterranean Style Chicken Breast with Rib Meat
1 fillet
Chicken Kiev
1 breast
Sole Stuffed with Shrimp & Garlic
1 fillet
Sesame Chicken Breast
1 fillet